Low FODMAP Diet - Alpine Breads
Alpine Breads


22 October 2014

After creating a highly successful form of fructose malabsorption diet in 1999 in her private dietetic practice, Sue Shepherd went on to become a member of the Monash University research team, led by Professor Peter Gibson, which developed the Low FODMAP Diet. Her PhD research and other studies she was involved in proved that FODMAPs could trigger symptoms of IBS, and in turn, limiting dietary FODMAPs is an effective treatment for people with symptoms of IBS in susceptible people. The low FODMAP diet has been published in international medical journals and is now accepted and recommended as one of the most effective dietary therapies for IBS. Abstracts of these articles are available in the links section of this website. The team at Monash University, including Dr Sue Shepherd, proved through her pioneering research that limiting dietary FODMAPs is an effective treatment for people with symptoms of IBS. The low FODMAP diet has been published in international medical journals and is now accepted and recommended as one of the most effective dietary therapies for IBS.

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